‎₹ 62.00  including CGST=0%, SGST=0%

Net Volume(man mohan organic)



Eyes are God's most precious gift to mankind. Eyes are the mirror of our body and mind. Without eyes, we cannot experience an amazing natural world as well as shades of sunshine sunset, happiness, sorrow, day-night, autumn-spring, etc. Moreover, nowadays, with the growing use of technology, our eyes are constantly engaged in consuming the TV, mobile or laptop screens. Along with this is the growing pollution, which further depletes the retina and lenses. Aloe Jyoti Drops are made with pure herbal ingredients and guarantee to purify and moisturize your eyes. It saves the eyes from damage and restores good vision. Especially after the age of 40, when our eyesight also starts getting weak, Aloe Jyoti Drops are a must to restore and maintain a healthy retina.


Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Gulab Ark and Tulsi.


Put 1-1 drop twice a day. Suitable for all age groups or use as per directed by a physician. Computer users should use it 2-4 times a day. Warning: Do not use in case of eye infection or wounds.


Keeps eyes clean and healthy. Improves eyesight and helps in restoring lost vision. Maintains or reduces spectacle power. Shields eyes from pollution and excess exposure to sunlight.

Brand(man mohan organic): IMC