Lifebuoy Cool Fresh Menthol - Germ Protection Handwash

₹82.00  including CGST=0%, SGST=0%

Washing&Cleaning Items Liquids(balaji)



Lifebuoy, World’s number 1 selling germ protection soap, brings to you Superfast handwash for Superfast kids. Kids are always in a hurry, even when washing hands. That is why switch to Superfast Lifebuoy handwash. With every wash, this Activ Silver Formula gives you germ protection in just 10 seconds. Protect your family every day with Lifebuoy Handwash.

We use our hands for multiple tasks through the day - causing hands to gather germs. Simple hand hygiene habits for your family can be the first line of defence in protection from various illness-causing germs. Washing hands with soap or handwash instead of washing hands with just plain water are recommended. This can help protect you and your family from ingesting infection-causing germs that are sitting on your hands.

Washing and Cleaning Items Brand(balaji): Lifebuoy