Tetley Ginger Mint and Lemon Green Tea Bags 10

65.00 including CGST=0.0%, SGST=0.0%,



The flavourful and perfect blend of elements like Ginger, Mint and Lemon will definitely be your first step towards a life of wellness!

While ginger boasts a range of benefits like soothing ailing muscles and aiding digestion and assimilation, mint acts as a blood purifier and lemon boosts immunity.

Bring fresh water to boil. Green tea is best made with water at 85*. Pour water into cup. Place one teabag and allow it to brew for about 2 mins. Remove the teabag. Sweeten with honey or sugar as desired. Green Tea is best had without milk.

Coffe&Tea Powder&HealthDrink Brand(Balaji Store): Tetley